Terrible Lake in World

Lake Kivu, Rwanda
Lake Kivu on the border between the Democratic Republic of the Congo with Rwanda, in Central Africa. Lake Kivu empties into the Ruzizi River, which flows south into Lake Tanganyika. Lake Kivu is one of three known Lakes "burst" release toxic gases. The Lake is considered to be deadly because there are an awful lot of harmful gases in the lower layer of soluble surface – carbon dioxide, and methane (about 55 billion cubic meters) produced by the bacteria in the lake is. If the methane blast trigger volcanic activity or causing the release of carbon dioxide, it could lead to terrible disasters, because two million people live in the Valley of Lake Kivu.

Moboun Lake, Kamerun
Lake monoun is a lake in West Province, Cameroon, a volcanic Field located in Oku. On August 15, 1984, the Lake exploded, resulting in the release of large amounts of clouds of carbon dioxide that killed 37 people. At first, the cause of death is a mystery, and lead to a terrorism attack as originally suspected. Further investigation, explaining that the Lake turns out to contain a poison.

Lake Karachay , Rusia
Lake Karachay, sometimes spelled Karachai, is a small lake located in the Southern Ural mountains, Russia. Since the year 195, the Soviet Union dumped radioactive waste from Mayak to the Lake. According to a report from the Worldwatch Institute, Karachay is one of the most polluted places on Earth. The Lake has been polluted by about 4.44 eksabecquerel (EBq) keradioaktifan, which covers 3.6 EBq Cesium-137 and 0.74 EBq Strontium-90. As a comparison, the Chernobyl nuclear disaster issued 5 to 12 EBq keradioaktifan, but this radiation is not concentrated in one place. Radiation levels in the area surrounding the Lake in 1990 was estimated at about 600röntgen per hour, which can kill humans within an hour

Lake Rakshatal, Tibet
Lake Rakshastal is a saltwater lake in Tibet, lay close to the West of Lake Manasarovar. Called the "Devil's Lake", Lake Rakshastal does not produce clean water or fish and locals consider it toxic. The Lake is considered the home of the demon king of Lanka ten-headed in Hindu myth. Lake Manasarovar, shaped like the Sun, is regarded as the ' brightness ' in the mythology of Buddhism, while Lake Rakshastal, shaped like a sickle, symbolizing the ' darkness '.

Boiling Lake, Dominika
Dominica's Boiling Lake is situated in the Morne Trois Pitons National Park-Dominica's world heritage site. The Lake is flooded fumarole 6.5 miles (10.5 km) East of Roseau, Dominica. The Lake is filled with bubbling greyish-blue water that is usually shrouded in a cloud of steam. This Lake is about 200 feet (60 m). The first recorded sighting of the Lake is in the 1870s by Mr. Watt and Dr. Nicholls, two United Kingdom's work in the Dominican Republic at the time. In 1875, Mr. h. Prestoe, a Government botanist, and Dr. Nicholls were commissioned to investigate natural phenomena. They measured the water temperature and found ranges from 180 to 197 degrees Fahrenheit (82 to 91.5 degrees Celsius) along the edge, but could not measure the temperature in the Centre where the Lake is actively boiling. They recorded a depth greater than 195 ft (59 m). Dominica's boiling Lake is the second largest hot spring in the world. The largest is Lake Pan, located in Waimangu Valley near Rotorua, New Zealand.

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