The Cemetery Unique In The World

New Grage
A necropolis that is located in the country of Ireland is one of the buildings or monuments of pre-history that is most impressive and magnificent in the world. Built circa 3300 to 2900 BCE, this mysterious Tomb including very large.
Round-shaped building such as the bunker 4046 square meters with a height of 12 meters. The building is in fact composed of the order of the stones are very neat and there are a number of megalithic carved stone relics. This shows that the building of this sturdy does have a very old age, even older than the pyramids of Giza and Stonehenge

Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey is a gothic church is very well known in London. The church building is indeed not awsome and ancient buildings as majestic as the others. But that makes the building built by Reverend Benedictine is 10th century is who is buried there. Westminster Abbey is the burial place of the Kings of the United Kingdom and other nobles.  In its development, the Tomb became the last place for the people of the United Kingdom such as Geoffrey Chaucer, Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy, Rudyard Kipling, Alfred Tennyson, Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, and Ernest Rutherford

Nothing that rival the most magnificent funeral complex, large, wide, even the most mysterious in the world besides the Giza Necropolis. The King of Egypt funeral complex consists of the great pyramid of Giza, pyramid of Khafre, Menkaure Pyramids, Sphinxes, and several other small pyramids that surrounds it.
One of the wonders of this unique triangular shaped cemetery was once measured correctly by a number of experts, then the pyramid it just has a margin error of 58 millimeters!

Taj Mahal
She is the symbol of a great sense of love. Aside from being a symbol of eternal love, the Taj Mahal could also be considered as the most beautiful tombs ever built, because in it the Court tombs of Shah Jahan and his wife that he loved, Mumtaz Mahal.

This building is a symbol of the greatness of the Mughal dynasty, which is very popular in India. At the time of the Mughal dynasty, Empire of India reached its golden age, and the Taj Mahal is one of the proofs of her greatness. In addition to proving the wealth of Mughal dynasty (the use of marbel stone and all the very detailed is wedding indicates the magnitude of the wealth of the dynasty), as well as the beauty of its architecture which is charming and very very symmetrical

Tana Toraja
One of the cultural heritage which belongs to a very famous until Indonesia abroad. Tana Toraja funeral rites have considered the most complicated in the world. It is called the funeral with Signs Solo. Solo is signs a funeral custom in which oblige families of the deceased to make a party as a mark of respect for the deceased last had gone. That makes elaborate, ceremonial street sign is that Solo had several levels, depending on the social strata of the deceased and his family.

The most interesting is when the last stage of the ceremony the corpse is taken to the Solo where is Signs a cliff for burial. Usually the bodies accompanied by a statue symbolizing portrayals of late called themselves by the name of Tau-tau. The surprise was the corpse kept in the cliffs just put goldfish only and never smell rotten which spilled over.

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