The Benefits of Sleep Faster

Don't like staying up and pass the rest at night, since that time, the body running the function dispose of toxins naturally. If on the hours is still a body detoxification process, will not be running perfectly. Liver and gall's work will also be increasingly heavy.The following work schedule removal of toxins in the body:

21.00-23.00, the disposal of substances are not useful in the antibody system (lymph nodes). During this time duration should be undertaken with a tranquil atmosphere or listen to music.

11 pm-1 am, the time for the process of detoksinasi in the liver. In order to run, you have to be in a State of sleep sleep.
01.00-03.00, the process of detoksinasi in the bile, it must also take place in conditions of sleep.

03.00-05.00, detoksinasi processes in the lungs. This is why, cough cough sufferers will experience great moments early on. Because the process of cleansing the filth had reached the respiratory tract, it does not need to drink cough medicine that, in order not to interrupt the sewage process naturally.

04.00-24.00, bone marrow produces blood.

05.00-07.00, cleansing the colon, had to relieve himself.

07.00-09.00, the nutrient absorption of food to the small intestine. Therefore, don't miss breakfast.

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