Full biography of Indonesian President (SBY), Who is He?

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was the 6th President of the Republic of Indonesian. Unlike previous Presidents, he was the first President directly elected by the people in the process of presidential elections round II, September 20, 2004. The best graduates are also generally familiar (1973) accosted SBY was born in Pacitan, East Java 9 September 1949. His wife, Kristiani Herawati, a third daughter of the late General (Ret.) Sarwo Edhi Wibowo.

The retired four-star General who was the only child of a couple Killed and r. of Sitti Habibah. Blood Warrior fell from his father, who retired as a Lieutenant. While his mother, of Sitti Habibah, daughter of one of the founders "Tremas. He had two sons namely, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (follow and emulate the achievements of Yudhoyono , trace and graduated from the national army in 2000 with Adhi Makayasa Star awarded) and Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono (the best HIGH SCHOOL graduates Taruna Nusantara, Magelang was then studying economics).

SR. education is the future decisive footing in SBY. When the fifth grade sitting on the bench, he was the first to know and be familiar with the name of the national military Academy (AMN), Magelang, Central Java. Later in the day Also changed its name to AMN. Yudhoyono entered JUNIOR HIGH Country Pacitan, located just south of the square. This is a major school for the children of Pacitan. Inheriting his father's attitude is tough, disciplined SBY struggled to embody the ideals of his childhood became a soldier with the Academy of the armed forces of the Republic of Indonesia (Also) after graduating high school the end of 1968. However, due to the late register, SBY indirectly Akabri. Yudhoyono was then became a student of Mechanical Engineering Institute of 10 November Surabaya (ITS).

But then, SBY is precisely choose the entry of the first secondary school teacher education (PGSLP) in Malang, East Java. While studying at the poor PGSLP, he prepared to Akabri. In 1970, finally Akabri in Magelang, Central Java, after passing the final acceptance test in Bandung. SBY one force with Agus Wirahadikusumah, Ryamizard Ryacudu and Prabowo Subianto. During the education, the nickname SBY Giraffes, very prominent. Proven, his Ascension grabbed the best graduates predicates Also received an award in 1973 for the Adhi Makasaya badge.

His military education continued in Airborne and Ranger Course at Fort Benning, Georgia, USA (1976), Infantry Officer Advanced Course at Fort Benning, Georgia, USA (1982-1983) and won the honor graduate, Jungle Warfare Training in Panama (1983), Anti Tank Weapon Course in Belgium and Germany (1984), Battalion Commander Course in Bandung (1985), Seskoad in Bandung (1988-1989) and the Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, USA (1990-1991). An MA from Webster University in the United States. His military career, starting with assume positions as Tonpan And Yonif Linud 330 Kostrad (the platoon commander of III in A Rifle Company, Infantry Battalion Airborne 330/Tri Dharma, Kostrad) 1974-1976, he supervises directly around 30 soldiers.

Battalion Linud 330 is one of the three battalions in the Airborne Infantry Brigade 17/Kujang I Kostrad, which has a name fragrant in various military operations. The third battalion was an Infantry Battalion is Airborne 330/Tri Dharma, an Infantry Battalion Airborne 328/Dirgahayu Infantry Battalions, and Airborne 305/skull. United Kingdom-language fluency, making them elected to follow air traffic education (airborne) and the education of commandos (ranger) in the United States Army Education Center, Benning, Georgia Ford, 1975. Then sekembali to the homeland, he occupied the post of Commander of the Platoon SBY II A Battalion Company Linud 305/skulls (and the Tonpan infantry battalion 305 Kostrad) 1976-1977. He led this Platoon fighting in East Timor.

Returning from East Timor, Yudhoyono became the Commander of the Mortar Platoon Yonif Linud 81 330 Kostrad (1977). After that, he was placed as a Pasi-2/Ops Mabrigif Linud 18 Kostrad is a Kujang I (1977-1978), and Kipan Yonif Linud 330 Kostrad (1979-1981), and Young Paban Sops SUAD (1981-1982). When he served in the police force of the AD, it's ALSO a chance to return to the United States schools. From 1982 to 1983, he attended the Infantry Officer Advanced Course, Fort Benning, USA, 1982-1983 and working practices-On the job training in the 82-nd Airbone Division, Fort Bragg, USA, 1983. Then follow the Jungle Warfare School, Panama, 1983 and Antitank Weapons Course in Belgium and Germany, 1984, as well as the Battalion Command Course, 1985. Meanwhile, the Saudi Commander of infantry Trainers School (1983-1985)

Then he believed served 744 Yonif Dam And IX/Udayana (1986-1988) and Sops Madyalat Paban Dam IX/Udayana (1988), before following school of staff and Command the Army (Seskoad) in Bandung and come out as the best graduate Seskoad 1989. Yudhoyono also became a lecturer at Seskoad (1989-1992), and placed in the Office of Army Information (Dispenad) with the task, among others, made the speech KSAD General Edi Sudradjat. Then when Edi Sudradjat served as Commander of ABRI, he pulled into the police headquarters of ABRI to become Personal Staff Coordinator (Korspri) then-General Edi Sudradjat (1993).

Then, he returned to action in the combat units, was appointed commander of Airborne Infantry Brigade (Brigif Linud And) 17/Kujang I Kostrad (1993-1994) along with Lt. Riyamizard Ryacudu.

Asops Kodam Jaya (1994-1995) and Danrem 072/Pamungkas Kodam IV/Diponegoro (1995). Shortly thereafter, SBY is believed served to Bosnia and Herzegovina to become officers in the United Nations (1995). He served as the head of the U.N. Military Observers (Chief Military Observer United Nations Protection Force) in charge of overseeing the ceasefire in the former Yugoslav countries based on agreements between the U.S. Dayton, Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. After returning from Bosnia, he was appointed Chief of staff, Kodam Jaya (1996). Later served as Commander II/Sriwijaya (1996-1997) and Chairman of the ABRI Faction and Chairman of Bakorstanasda MPR (the MPR special session of 1998) before becoming Chief of staff of the territorial (Kaster) ABRI (1998-1999).

While his political career move, started on January 27, 2000, when it decided to retire early from the military when it is believed to have served as Minister of mines and energy in the Government of President Abdurrahman Wahid KH. Shortly thereafter, SBY was forced to leave his position as Mentamben because of Wahid's request it was Menkopolsoskam. On 10 August 2001, President Megawati trust and appointed him a Cabinet Coordinating Polkam Gotong-Royong. But on March 11, 2004, he chose to resign from the post of coordinating Minister for Polkam. This resignation step makes it more freely running the political rights that will be delivered to the Chair of the national leadership summit. And finally, in the second round of the direct presidential election September 20, 2004, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who paired with Jusuf Kalla won the trust of the majority of the people of Indonesia to tally votes in the attas 60 percent. And on October 20, 2004 he was inducted into the 6th President of the Republic of Indonesian

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