is the time off needed human every day after doing a lot of activity the waste
of energy. With sleep, humans can restore the energy that he had out. Experts
recommend healthy sleep for humans, which is about eight to ten hours. However,
there are a number of people who can fall asleep in a long time, even they can
sleep for 64 days. Strange isn't it? Sleep for a long time this is a strange
disease called kleine-levine syndrome. The disease is usually often attacking
adolescents, but nobody knows what is the cause of this disease. If exposed to
the disease, the person can fall asleep with drifting for 16 to 22 hours a day.
- Nicole Delien, a 17 year old teenager, adolescence is derived from the State of Pennsylvania, United States. These teens have experienced a strange disease called Kleine-Levine Syndrome or sleeping Princess. Nicole Deilen never sleep for 64 days, from November until January. Nicole's mother said that her daughter could be asleep pelas for 18 to 19 hours. During the 64 days Nicole just wake up to eat alone, after eating it straight to bed again. After checked into doctors, new mom nicole was knowing that his daughter exposed to a strange disease, and doctors suggested her daughter undergo some treatment to tackle disorder Nicole.
- Kaitlyn Teranna experiencing disease Syndrome Kleine-Levine since he was 15 years. He was 17 years old, he had to undergo daily is just to sleep in rooms only. Kaitlyn said that, initially, he felt very tired and then he decided to sleep. Since that was gets very old Kaitlyn sleep every day. Kaitlyn's mother says, he just woke her daughter only to give him meal and sent him to the bathroom, it was Kaitlyn rose as still in a State of half-sleep.
- This strange disease was also experienced by girls from the town Worthing, United Kingdom. This girl named Louisa Ball, he was hit by the disease Syndrome Kleine-Levine who made it should be asleep for 13 days. The disease is contracted, making me unable to wake him up to eat, says mother Louisa. Well, that's the one to four men who've had a very long sleep, as in the story of snow white sleeping very long and to be kissed by a Prince to wake him up. However, this strange disease need not wait for the Prince to wake him up, because this disease will disappear by itself.
- Imaarl Duprey, the girl from the capital city of London, United Kingdom. Never fall asleep during the 59 days. A 23 year old girl should be dibangung to create a Imaarl eating and going to the bathroom.
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