Honai, traditional House Papua

The term traditional house traditional house/native tribes in Papua Province is the home of Honai. Home Hanoi can be many we meet in the midst of mountains and valleys on the island of New Guinea, where there are Dani stayed at the Baliem valley or Wamena, Lani, Yali in the Toli and native tribes of New Guinea.

The mountains and valleys there has a pretty cool at Eve typically is diketinggian 2500 meters above sea level. Thus forms a rounded Honai homes designed to be able to muffle the cold or the wind.The House has a rounded roof form Honai cone made of straw or reeds, forms the roof of this serves to protect the entire surface of the wall so as not to exposed to rainwater and could dampen the cold to not enter into the House. The wall is made of wood with one door short without window.

Hanoi House consists of 2 floors, the first floor as a place to sleep and a second floor for lounging, eating, and other family activities. The House has a high Honai approximately 2.5 meters. Night time illumination using firewood. Inside the House the middle right on Honai floors there are excavations and land that serves as a furnace as well as lighting, the coals are also useful to warm up the body. If they do not use the crib or mattress, they grounded the grass dried brought from gardens or fields. Honai home divided into three types, namely for men (called Honai), female (called Ebei) and swine (called Wamai).

Home function other than as a residence Honai also has other functions such as:
  1. Place the tools of war and hunting
  2. The mengembleng son in order to become a strong adult time later and useful for his tribe.
  3. A place to draw up a strategy of war, in case of war.
  4. Place instruments saves or symbols from the indigenous tribes that had been pursued since the first

The philosophy of building a circular or round, Honai has sense:
  • Keep the unity and unification of the fellow tribesmen as well as maintaining a culture that has been passed down by their ancestors for good. 
  • With a stay in one of our one accord then, honai sepikir and one goal in completing a job 
  • Honai is a symbol of the personality and the dignity and self-worth of those tribes that must be kept by the descendants or their offspring at a later date.

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