Danger Addicted to Pornography

Increasingly sophisticated information and communication technologies, it will be increasingly open wide opportunities for someone to go into the area of pornography. A lot of people who can access pornography sites with ease and can eventually make someone addicted to pornography. This addiction will not be easy to let loose, because someone who has been addicted to something, she will be obsessed with it and every day he just thought of it, even he can't live his life without it.
Addicted to porngrafi will be bad for a person's social life. As following, some dampat bad addiction to pornography for the human body are taken from various sources.

Will damage brain cells and, worse than drugs. An example of someone who is addicted to pornography as he watched porn movies, suatau while there is definitely a keingginan to watch it again and again. This addiction was worse than cocaine, cocaine can be eliminated because of the pecandunya body, while the memory of the porn scene will remain forever in the brain.
This can be menyusutkan pornography addiction brain tissue, and lower intelligence. This pornography will always dijejal to the brain continuously and eventually causing brain tissue shrinks aka and fungsiny will be uninterrupted.

Sexual Anorexia is a sexual condition experienced by a person where he or she will lose the taste of sexual activity. Results of the latest research in Italy, showed that many young people who suffer the sexual anorexic Italy and not capable of an erection due to use of porn sites, beginning in adolescence. Brain man who is addicted to pornography would lose the ability to respond to dopamine signals, where they tend to want aroused in order for extreme experiences.

Erectile dysfunction or impotence is a sexual disorder where the penis erection can't aloud while doing the activity of sex. Men who too often watch porn videos on the internet will be trouble getting satisfaction during sex. They will lose the passion and sex can trigger erectile dysfunction.  Men who experience erectile dysfunction generally will suffer psychologically, such as anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and loss of quality of life.

Not interested in real sex. The study showed that men often indulge with visual stimuli such as pornography, in the long run will be vulnerable to a sexual problem gets. They will be hard to have a healthy sexual relationship with his wife. Because sex stimulus can only be triggered through visual pornography, rather than actual women.

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