Bad Habits But Good For Health

Nail-biting. These bad habits can be good for health, according to Dr Hilary Longhurst, a specialist in immunology. He explains the origin of the hand is not too dirty, bacteria that enter the body through the mouth of the menggigiti nails can boost the immune system. This body has a defense system memory and can be noted  how to fight the bacterium if it comes up again. When the bacteria enter the body a second time, the immune system will remember again the memory and release weapons called lymphocytes that know how to fight it. So even though her role is small, mengigiti nail also contributes to the resilience of the body. Similarly like nose-picking. Just don't do it too often and a quirks in the State's hands very dirty, e.g. after holding the raw meat, mud or dust.

Flue gas Exhaust Gas may be considered important, but for the slouchy body pulled out of the wind. Most of the gas comes from the fermentation of protein and carbs. Generally formed around six hours after eating. So if packed at 7 pm, in the early hours of 2 p.m. usually you will feel somewhat bloated bellies at the bottom. It signifies is going on the formation of gas in the stomach. Let go of the gas will relieve pain and bloating, especially when your stomach tend to be sensitive. So as much as possible, you should not hold him when he wanted to waste gas. If there are in the middle of a meeting or official meetings, there is no harm in asking for permission to get out for a bit. Because the holding gas off can trigger stomach pain.

Spitting habit of spitting is not good and can get people disgusted. If you do it in the street or public buses. But healthy habits including spitting when done or when exercising, fitness, because it helps You breathe easier. In normal activity, people breathe through the nose. When the air enters through the nose be warm and moist, enabling the body to absorb more oxygen more efficiently. However, when physical activity, we tend to take longer and breath in through your mouth to inhale as much air into the body. But the air is not warmed or moistened as when breathing through the nose. When the air enters in a State of cold will make the throat dry and push to protect it by producing more saliva. Too much production of saliva would interfere with the breathing rhythm so you need a lot of spitting. It is widely carried by runners to regulate her breathing

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